Friday, June 18, 2010

Don't worry, be happy

Don’t worry, be happy!
Life has its share of ups and downs. Staying happy and positive is the key to good health.

    Your EMIs may be mounting and inflation making daily expenditures seem massive, a vacation may sound like a distant dream while your office work may be piling up at an alarming speed and your househelp may have taken off on an unscheduled holiday showing no signs of return. Yes, everyone has problems in life, some bigger and tougher, some smaller and manageable. But, remember, being happy is your birth right. Try these easy tips to stay happy...

Everyone has a wish list. But what about the things you’ve already been blessed with like a happy family, a good job, a roof over your head, etc. Focus on what you’ve got. A study found that people who took the time to count their blessings once a week boosted their mood and improved their energy levels.


There’s a karmic connection between a having a positive selfesteem and how happy you are with your life. One of the best ways to boost your self esteem is to identify something you’re good at and do it.

Not everyone is lucky to be loved, it’s a blessing which must be cherished at all costs. Telling the people you care about how special they are to you and acknowledging that they enrich your life is only going to strengthen relationships. So, no matter how many times you may have said it before, tell those close to you that you love them.

A good nights sleep is very therapeutic, any expert will vouch for this. In fact, not getting enough sleep often leads to people being very grumpy the next morning. So no matter how busy you may be, make sure that all your tasks are complete in time for you to get that much needed deep and peaceful night rest. You will definitely wake up a much happier person and ready to tackle any challenging situation.

MAKE TIME FOR FRIENDS kids_arunachal.jpg
People with a circle of supportive friends are more likely to have healthier blood pressure, cholesterol levels and stress hormone levels than those with fewer or no close friends.

Remember, age is just a number. Hence, celebrate every birthday joyfully, remembering to thank God for giving you yet another year. Also, whatever age you may be, enjoy it as you will never get to be that age again.

GET RID OF THOSE NIGGLING TASKS 3117467895_011eeea741.jpg

If you have a to-do list — visiting the doctor, getting a medical test done, answering a difficult e-mail or buying some necessary household items, get them done. Seeing your to-do list reducing will give you a rush of energy.

Pets can be very effective stress busters. In fact, it has also been medically proved that walking and stroking a pet can relieve stress, lower blood pressure and heart rates.

ENJOY YOUR JOB 080623_monkjob.jpg
It’s your means to earning a livelihood and your office is where you spend anything between eight and twelve hours everyday. If you hate your job, it is bound to have a negative effect on your health — mental and physical. If you are not happy, do yourself a favour and find a job or an office that you like and enjoy going to and watch how over half your problems will just vanish into thin air.

SING IN THE SHOWER 0511-0901-0516-4420_man_singing_in_the_shower_clipart_image.jpg.png
Who cares whether you can carry a tune or if the lyrics are right, music activates parts of the brain that produce happiness, the same parts activated by sex and food. So, sing away. No one’s judging you and it’s bound to increase your happiness quotient.

HAVE A GOOD CRY cry baby.jpg

Bottling up emotions can lead to a build-up of suppressed anxiety and anger. Hence, when you’re upset, give into your emotions and have a good cry. You’re never too old to shed a few tears.

IGNORE THE STOCK MARKET stock-market-up-or-down-picture.png
Chinese researchers have found a direct link between the daily performance of the stock market and the mental health of those who follow it. If you don’t have money invested, ignore it. If you do, remember time heals all wounds, even the financial ones.

GIVE YOURSELF SOMETHING TO LOOK FORWARD TO art-hobby-icons-thumb7993347.jpg
Set your self some goals and develop a hobby. Don’t go for something that will end up stressing your out but a task that’s simply yet relaxing and at the same time, something that will keep you excited.

VOLUNTEER TO HELP OUT 4066005402_d5ee4b487f.jpg

Helping those who are less fortunate that yourself will help you put your own problems into perspective.

Yes, nothing works better to soothe those frenzied nerves than a nice, relaxing massage or an unending hot shower. A new hair style or indulging in some retail therapy is also bound kickstart those happy cells into action.

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